„There have been many tales of a warrior but nothing so inspiring to me than the Mulan Story and Disney’s Mulan Movie. I watched the Disney’s Mulan trailer over and over again, I have seen all the BTS, I read the book and I really enjoyed the movie on Disney + Encouraged by the character, I wanted to challenge myself and do fight scenes with and without a weapon, knowing I have never done something like this before and including only stunts I was able to do myself. Bernhard Fuchs (playing the villain) who was always inspired by Jackie Chan and Jet Li’s movies started Shaolin Kung Fu 17 years ago. He came up with the whole fight choreography and spent a lot of time teaching me how to use a weapon and he taught me all the moves I needed to know in a very short amount of time. Michael Harding directed everything and put a lot of work into editing and sound design. He also wanted to enhance the shortfilm with VFX shots. His goal was make this film a nonstop exciting experience with a bit of a superhero feel to it. We ended up creating this short film, which we are really proud of and we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed creating it.“ Pam Forster, Michael Harding
- Action, Kurzfilm
ape create
ape connection GmbH
Perfektastraße 61/5/1
1230 Wien
+43 650 4613830
ape academy
ape connection GmbH
Perfektastraße 61/5/1
1230 Wien
© ape connection GmbH
Move to create, create to inspire!
Wir, ape create, verstehen uns als ein Kollektiv, bestehend aus kreativen Bewegungskünstler*innen, Profisportler*innen und Kunstschaffenden aus den Bereichen Performance, Film und Fotografie, die ihre Leidenschaft für Bewegung leben.